"Hidup ini tumpang menumpang..di situlah lahirnya syukur kepada ALLAH. Pada sepinggan nasi yang kita makan, di situ ada nasi yang di usahakan petani, ada ikan yang di cari oleh nelayan, ada ayam yang dipelihara oleh penternak. Betapa banyaknya pihak yang bekerja untuk memberi sepinggan nasi kepada kita...alangkah kerdilnya kita di bumi ALLAH SWT...maka siapakah kita untuk menolak agama ALLAH?" - Tuan Guru Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thanks to God...

Today is the best day of your life!
God is going to make your day even better.
Take a moment to give thanks,
to God and everyone around you.
God, your family, kids and friends love you.

Take a moment to give away love,
to your kids, your family,
your friends and everyone around you.
Take a moment to give thanks,
to God and every teacher you know.
Your life is a constant challenge.

Take a moment to thank God
for the strength and patience
to face every challenge.
Share that strength with everyone around you.
Show patience for everyone around you today.
God has given you so much.

Take a moment to give thanks to God and share
what you have with everyone around you.
Be the one to tell them they have so much.
Show everyone around you how thankful you are.
Truly expect your day to get better today.

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